Yes, depending on the transmitting device there a few ways to enjoy a fully wireless experience with both your SUBPAC and your Bluetooth headphones
Android: for devices that support two Bluetooth outputs, connect both headphones and SUBPAC X1 via Bluetooth. Then use the synchronization setting in the SUBPAC app to bring audio and SUBPAC X1 in sync.
iOS: Apple currently does not allow dual Bluetooth output for non-Apple products. It’s ideal to use an external dual Bluetooth transmitter and use the synchronization setting in the SUBPAC app to bring audio and SUBPAC X1 in sync.
macOS: Connect both SUBPAC X1 and headphones via Bluetooth. In Audio MIDI setup, create a Multiple Output device and select your headphones and your SUBPAC. If the two are not in sync, select the device that is delayed in the Master Clock option.
PC: For Windows and Linuxs devices it’s ideal to use an external dual Bluetooth transmitter and use the synchronization setting in the SUBPAC app to bring audio and SUBPAC X1 in sync.