Your input volume and INTENSITY level may be causing your unit to shut off!
A great SUBPAC experience starts with making sure your SUBPAC is tightly secured using the chest and waist support straps and has a healthy battery charge. If you're using the SUBPAC S2, please make your chair has a firm but comfortable backing.
For headphones, If you happen to be using high impedance headphones, it's recommended that you drive those separately from the SUBPAC. High impedance headphones need a much hotter level to drive to a moderate listening level, however, the majority of headphones will be suitable to drive through the SUBPAC headphone output.
Next, it's important to note that the SUBPAC INTENSITY is relative. INTENSITY is a sum of your device/input volume and the INTENSITY knob position. If you enjoy listening at higher levels, your INTENSITY knob may only need to sit around 20%-50%. If you prefer lower to moderate listening levels, then it's okay to turn the knob a bit higher to 40-70%. It's very rare that you would need the knob set at 80-100%, but in some cases, it may apply.
If you have gone over all these steps, you should be having an optimal experience and will avoid any device clipping or cutouts. Remember, clipping is not more BASS, clipping is squashing the dynamic range.
If you need more volume or BASS, please reach out to our product specialists who can offer some other SUBPAC tips and tricks!